How to pick your flight seats on Expedia?

Expedia is one of the famous online travel portals that helps multiple travelers plan their flight journey and get flight-related services. You will get a wide selection of vacation packages, deals, hotels, tourist attractions, and other sites through Expedia. They always understand the travel demand and allow you to get the low prices possible for your destination. When you make the reservation, you are allowed to choose where you want to sit on the plane according to the travel class. You can also select the seats anytime before the scheduled departure online with your airlines. For this, you need to understand the relevant information about the seat selection as mentioned below.

What to look for when selecting a seat with Expedia?

Once you proceed to select the seat with Expedia, you need to consider some essential things in mind.

  1. You must make sure that you understand the Airlines seating arrangements and related policy to choose the seats.
  2. Some airlines have the right to reassign the seats at the last minute, due to which you may not get the preferred seats you have requested.
  3. If you are uncomfortable sitting at the center of a row, you must avoid traveling in the middle.
  4. If you are medically fit and more than 18 years of age, then you can go for the emergency exit seats.
  5. You must be aware of the seat selection instructions, as some seats are prohibited by the airlines.
  6. Travel plans must be flexible so that Expedia can be able to provide you with the finest seat. 
  7. The flight seats will be allotted according to the availability on the aircraft, travel class, and the Airlines policy.

Procedure to get the flight seats with Expedia:

You can pick your favorite seats of your airline online with Expedia. For this, you are required to follow the necessary points as stated below.

  1. Initially, you must reach to the Expedia official web portal
  2. After this, you can tap on the manage booking tab from the home screen.
  3. You can enter the correct email ID and password to get the booking details.
  4. When you get your Expedia account, you can choose the manage button from the top.
  5. You will see the list of bookings you have made with Expedia, from which you can select the preferred one.
  6. With this, you need to open the menu list from the given booking.
  7. You will acquire the several options where you can choose the seat selection button.
  8. You can select the pertinent seat from the given seat map for all the passengers.
  9. You need to review the details and pay the necessary fees, if any.
  10. Expedia will access the information and allot you with the relevant seats.
  11. They also send you the seat selection message at your registered email ID.

Moreover, if you face any kind of problems, you can get through with the customer support team. You need to dial the customer service contact number at +91 (0)124-487-3888 and listen to the IVR commands. When you choose the relevant button, your phone will be allotted to the customer experts. You can talk to them about the seat selection and pick your favorite seats for a comfortable flight journey to your destination. 

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